Study #1: Neurodivergence Code
Below is the code I used to perform the analysis on Enneagram and neurodivergence. There are undoubtedly more sophisticated ways to go about it, but I’m not a professional coder and my rudimentary methods seemed to do the trick. Feel free to double-check my work! The raw data file is available for download on Google Drive if you’d like to play around with it on your own or rerun my code in RStudio.
# This script contains all the tests performed to assess the dataset for # relationships between neurodivergence and the Enneagram. # (generated and assessed by Danielle, owner of The Scientific Enneagram) # ## ### DO NOT RUN THIS CODE UNLESS YOU HAVE ALREADY RUN 'INITIAL SETUP.R' ## # # 1. Create dataframe with only those who answered the neurodivergent question summary(as.factor(raw$Neurodivergence)) #shows 25 NA Types raw_nd <- raw[!$Neurodivergence),] ###check that the 'raw_nd' dataframe has 25 less than 'raw', or 1714 # 2. Install and load required packages install.packages("chisq.posthoc.test") library(chisq.posthoc.test) #needed for ChiSq post hoc install.packages("rstatix") library(rstatix) #needed for row-wise Fisher test ####DIAGNOSIS#### # 3. Assess NeuroPos (has at least one neurodivergence diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$NeuroPos)) #shows 471 of 1714 report a diagnosis ## Determine appropriate significance test (if no cells <5, ChiSq; else, Fishers) ftable(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$NeuroPos)) #no cells <5 - Chi-Squared ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$NeuroPos) #X2(8,1714)=67.806,p=1.342e-11 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$NeuroPos),method="bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=raw_nd, aes(x=NeuroPos,fill=factor(NeuroPos))) + geom_bar(fill="#005151") + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Neurodivergent Diagnosis", x=NULL,y="Count") ggplot(data=raw_nd, aes(fill=NeuroPos, x=Type)) + geom_bar(position=position_fill(reverse = TRUE), stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Diagnosis by Type", x=NULL, y="Proportion (%)") # 4. Assess ASDPos (reported an Autism diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$ASDPos)) #shows 64 of 1714 report a diagnosis ## Determine appropriate significance test (if no cells <5, ChiSq; else, Fishers) ftable(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$ASDPos)) #cells <5 - Fisher's Exact ## Test for significance fisher.test(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$ASDPos,simulate.p.value=TRUE) #significant print(row_wise_fisher_test(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$ASDPos), p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")) ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=raw_nd, aes(x=ASDPos,fill=factor(ASDPos))) + geom_bar(fill="#005151") + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Autism Diagnosis", x=NULL,y="Count") ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,raw_nd$ASDPos=="ASD diagnosis"), aes(fill=ASDPos, x=Type)) + geom_bar(stat='count', fill=c("#1D8296","#e5bcd7","#f4623a","#f8ad6d","#5e8dda","#e0a526", "#8a7b19","#be5500","#f17f70")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Autism Diagnosis by Type", x=NULL, y="Count") # 5. Assess ADHDPos (reported an ADHD diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$ADHDPos)) #shows 333 of 1714 report a diagnosis ## Determine appropriate significance test (if no cells <5, ChiSq; else, Fishers) ftable(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$ADHDPos)) #no cells <5 - Chi-Squared ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$ADHDPos) #X2(8,1714)=65.432, p=3.964e-11 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$ADHDPos), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=raw_nd, aes(x=ADHDPos,fill=ADHDPos)) + geom_bar(fill="#005151") + theme_minimal() + labs(title="ADHD Diagnosis", x=NULL,y="Count") ggplot(data=raw_nd, aes(fill=ADHDPos, x=Type)) + geom_bar(position=position_fill(reverse = TRUE), stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Diagnosis by Type", x=NULL, y="Proportion (%)") # 6. Assess OCDPos (reported an OCD diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$OCDPos)) #shows 81 of 1714 report a diagnosis ## Determine appropriate significance test (if no cells <5, ChiSq; else, Fishers) ftable(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$OCDPos)) #one cell <5 - Fisher's Exact ## Test for significance fisher.test(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$OCDPos, simulate.p.value=TRUE) #insignificant print(row_wise_fisher_test(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$OCDPos), p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")) ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=raw_nd, aes(x=OCDPos,fill=factor(OCDPos))) + geom_bar(fill="#005151") + theme_minimal() + labs(title="OCD Diagnosis", x=NULL,y="Count") ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,raw_nd$OCDPos=="OCD diagnosis"), aes(fill=OCDPos, x=Type)) + geom_bar(stat='count', fill = c("#1D8296","#e5bcd7","#f4623a","#f8ad6d","#5e8dda","#e0a526", "#8a7b19","#be5500","#f17f70")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="OCD Diagnosis by Type", x=NULL, y="Count") # 7. Assess DyslexPos (reported a Dyslexia diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$DyslexPos)) #shows 36 of 1714 report a diagnosis ### Only moving forward on analysis for samples of 45 (avg 5 per Type) or more # 8. Assess DyscalPos (reported a Dyscalculia diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$DyscalPos)) #shows 26 of 1714 report a diagnosis ### Only moving forward on analysis for samples of 45 (avg 5 per Type) or more # 9. Assess DysgraPos (reported a Dysgraphia diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$DysgraPos)) #shows 4 of 1714 report a diagnosis ### Only moving forward on analysis for samples of 45 (avg 5 per Type) or more # 10. Assess DyspraPos (reported a Dyspraxia diagnosis) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$DyspraPos)) #shows 5 of 1714 report a diagnosis ### Only moving forward on analysis for samples of 45 (avg 5 per Type) or more ####TREATMENT#### # 11. Assess Treatment Methods #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$NeuroManage)) #shows 445 of 471 NeuroPos answered ## Determine appropriate significance test (if no cells <5, ChiSq; else, Fishers) ftable(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$NeuroManage)) #no cell <5 - Chi-Squared #Test of significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$NeuroManage) #X2(16,445)=19.349, p=.251 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$NeuroManage), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$NeuroManage)), aes(x=NeuroManage, fill=factor(NeuroManage))) + geom_bar(fill="#005151") + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Neurodivergence Management (past 30 days)", x=NULL,y="Count") ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$NeuroManage)), aes(fill=NeuroManage, x=Type)) + geom_bar(position=position_fill(reverse = TRUE), stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#c39367","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Neurodivergence Management by Type (past 30 days)", x=NULL, y="Proportion (%)") # 12. Assess Presence of Recent Treatment #### ## Create new variable to combine two Yes levels raw_nd$neurotreat[raw_nd$NeuroManage == "Y-meds"] <- "Yes" raw_nd$neurotreat[raw_nd$NeuroManage == "Y-no meds"] <- "Yes" raw_nd$neurotreat[raw_nd$NeuroManage == "N"] <- "No" ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$neurotreat)) #shows 82 No/363 Yes of 445 responses ## Determine appropriate significance test (if no cells <5, ChiSq; else, Fishers) ftable(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$neurotreat)) #three cells <5 - Fisher's Exact #Test of significance fisher.test(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$neurotreat, simulate.p.value=TRUE) #insignificant print(row_wise_fisher_test(table(raw_nd$Type,raw_nd$neurotreat), p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")) ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$neurotreat)), aes(x=neurotreat, fill=factor(neurotreat))) + geom_bar(fill="#005151") + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Neurodivergence Management (past 30 days)", x=NULL,y="Count") ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$neurotreat)), aes(fill=neurotreat, x=Type)) + geom_bar(position='fill', stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#c39367","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Neurodivergence Management by Type (past 30 days)", x=NULL, y="Proportion (%)") ####EGO#### # 13. Assess Diagnosis Status by Ego Level #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$NeuroPos)) #shows 1650 responded to both Neuro and Ego questions #shows no cell <5 - Chi-Squared test ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$NeuroPos) #X2(2,1650)=5.9388, p=.05133 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$NeuroPos), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$Ego)), aes(x=Ego, fill=factor(Ego))) + geom_bar(fill="#005151") + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Ego Level (past 30 days)", x=NULL,y="Count") ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$NeuroPos)&!$Ego)), aes(fill=NeuroPos, x=Ego)) + geom_bar(position=position_fill(reverse = TRUE), stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Ego Level by Neurodivergence", x=NULL, y="Proportion (%)") # 14. Assess Recent Treatment Method by Ego Level #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$NeuroManage)) #shows 433 answered both Treatment and Ego questions #shows no cell <5 - Chi-Squared test ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$NeuroManage) #X2(4,433)=12.496, p=.01402 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$NeuroManage), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$NeuroManage)&!$Ego)), aes(fill=NeuroManage, x=Ego)) + geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#c39367","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Ego Level by Management Method", x="Ego", y="Proportion (%)") + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Management Method")) # 15. Assess Presence of Recent Treatment by Ego Level #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$neurotreat)) #shows 433 answered both Treatment and Ego questions #shows no cell <5 - Chi-Squared test ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$neurotreat) #X2(2,433)=3.7935, p=.1501 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Ego,raw_nd$neurotreat), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$neurotreat)&!$Ego)), aes(fill=neurotreat, x=Ego)) + geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#f2e9db","#005151")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Ego Level by Neurodivergence Treatment", x="Ego", y="Proportion (%)",legend="Method") + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Management")) ####MINDSET#### # 16. Assess Diagnosis by Growth/Stress Mindset (Arrow) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$NeuroPos)) #shows 1713 answered both Diagnosis and Arrow questions #shows no cell <5 - Chi-Squared test ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$NeuroPos) #X2(2,1713)=2.7531, p=.2524 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$NeuroPos), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$NeuroPos)&!$Arrow)), aes(fill=NeuroPos, x=Arrow)) + geom_bar(position=position_fill(reverse = TRUE), stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Neurodivergence by Recent Mindset", x="Recent Mindset", y="Proportion (%)",legend="Method") + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Diagnosis")) # 17. Assess Recent Treatment Method by Growth/Stress Mindset (Arrow) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$NeuroManage)) #shows 444 answered both Treatment & Arrow questions #shows no cell <5 - Chi-Squared test ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$NeuroManage) #X2(4,444)=9.7467, p=.04492 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$NeuroManage), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$NeuroManage)&!$Arrow)), aes(fill=NeuroManage, x=Arrow)) + geom_bar(position=position_fill(reverse = TRUE), stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005151","#c39367","#f2e9db")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Recent Mindset by Neurodivergence Treatment", x="Recent Mindset", y="Proportion (%)",legend="Method") + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Treatment Method")) # 18. Assess Presence of Recent Treatment by Growth/Stress Mindset (Arrow) #### ## Run descriptives addmargins(table(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$neurotreat)) #shows 444 answered both Treatment & Arrow questions #shows no cells <5 - Chi-Squared test ## Test for significance chisq.test(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$neurotreat) #X2(2,444)=8.6336, p=.01334 chisq.posthoc.test(table(raw_nd$Arrow,raw_nd$neurotreat), method = "bonferroni") ## Create visualizations of above descriptives (optional) ggplot(data=subset(raw_nd,!$neurotreat)&!$Arrow)), aes(fill=neurotreat, x=Arrow)) + geom_bar(position='fill', stat='count') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#f2e9db","#005151")) + theme_minimal() + labs(title="Recent Mindset by Neurodivergence Treatment", x="Recent Mindset", y="Proportion (%)",legend="Method") + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Management"))